Important election process underway April-May 2001,
see the events section for details.
The Mission:
This site currently supports the Lindbergh Chapter of the
- It serves as a resource for information, events and contacts related
to the uninhabited vehicle industry, both locally and internationally.
- Use the principle of symbiosis to synchronize with existing associations,
both locally and internationally.
- Welcome international attendance of the Lindbergh Chapter meetings by
implementing webcasting technology.
- Open appeal for membership and participation: MEMO (February 18th, 2000)
The Board:
Note that during high traffic periods these bulletin boards can be slow
and hang, if you don't pick it up right away please try again later.
uvsnet: bulletin board
- Thursday May 31st, Lindbergh Chapter Meeting
- When: Thursday, May 31st, 2001 at 4:00 PM
- Where: GreyStone Technology
4950 Murphy Canyon Road
San Diego, CA 92123
- POC: Tom Aldern: Tel 858/874-7000
- Program: This month's host will be Tom Aldern,
VP Government Programs for GreyStone, who will review
GreyStones unique terrain mapping programs for use within
the battle-space scenario for ground intel from UAV's.
- Chapter News: Steve Coblentz will head-up a call to elect
Chapter Officers and the adoption of the new Charter.
We will also cover chapter officer nominations by verbal
nomination, if we have not received sufficient responses
to the call for nominations from the last meeting.
- Mike and Steve will provide insight into chapter status,
funds in the checking account, etc. as well. We will review and
adoption of a new Chapter logo.
- April-May 2001, Lindbergh Chapter Formalization and Elections.
- Thursday April 19th, 4:00pm, Lindbergh Chapter AUVSI Meeting
- Attendence List
- Location: General Atomics, 3550 General Atomics Court
- RSVP: Jon Lathrop (for Badges)
- Subjects: the Lynx System, an overview of
AUVSI Winter Conference and a chapter update
- Thursday March 8th, 4:00pm, Lindbergh Chapter AUVSI Meeting
- Wednesday November 15th, 4:00pm, Lindbergh Chapter, AUVSI Meeting
- Where: Northrop-Grumman, Ryan-Aeronautical Center (RAC)
17066 Golden Top Rd., San Diego, CA 92150
Directions and maps
- Program: RAC and TAMSCO are co-hosting the meeting at the new RAC facility in Rancho Bernardo, including a tour of the new home of the Global Hawk and Fire Scout (VTUAV) programs.
Maj. Gen. David Gust, USA (ret), TAMSCO's new President/CEO is scheduled as the guest speaker. Gen. Gust has an extensive UAV background and will provide insight into past and current Army programs.
As Always, ITEA and INCOSE members are welcomed.
- Agenda:
- 4:00-4:15 Welcome, AUVSI Admin. (Mike/Steve)
- 4:15-4:30 RAC Introduction (Doug)
- 4:30-5:00 Gen. Gust briefing The Last Three Years of Aquila RPV Program
- 5:00-6:00 Plant tour (Doug)
- 6:15-6:30 Wrap-up, adjourn
- RSVP to Mike Donahoo
and/or Steve Coblentz
- download a Flyer (Word doc)
- Seeking existing papers for the next journal issue (Dec/Jan) theme is "Unmanned Vehicle T&E" and we are
still taking potential articles. In fact, it would be quite helpful to us
if someone has any ideas for submissions to that issue.
Please advise, and thank you.
Beverly Schaeffer
ITEA Journal Editor
- Thrusday September 21st 5pm [ARINC, San Diego, CA, USA] sept21mtg.html
Available for posting in your local area: Flyer for Sept. 21st meeting
- July 11-13, 2000 [Orlando, Florida, USA]
- June 21st, 2000 Lindbergh Chapter Meeting 5:30pm [SENTEL, San Diego, CA, USA], june21.html
- May 9-11, 2000, Sensors Expo & Motion Control Expo, [Anahiem, California, USA],
- April 26th 5:30pm [Grey Stone, San Diego, CA, USA] april26.html
- April 24-28 2000 [San Fransisco, CA, USA] IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
- April 2000 [Switzerland]
- March 31st [canceled, Mark couldn't make this meeting, I'll be glad
to arrange for a lunch meeting if anyone is interested, otherwise we'll
try for a business meeting at a later time] a second attempt at holding a Lindbergh Chapter Business Meeting, march31.html
please use the
uvsnet: bulletin board for posting your preferences on the TBDs.
- CANCELED: March 23rd 7:30am [tbd], first in a sequence of chapter business meetings,
please use the
uvsnet: bulletin board for posting your preferences on the TBDs.
- March 13th 6:30pm-8:30pm [UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA] march13.html
- February 10-11th 2000 [San Diego, CA, USA] AFCEA's West 2000
- bold indicates next local ( event, itallics indicates event has passed, order of listings is by date
The Hood:
- Unmanned Networks
- Related organizations
- Industry (local)
Unmanned News:
- Self creating robot:
- 'Robonaut' prepares for space walking duties: CNN: June 13th, 2000
- Border Patrol: On the Front Lines; May 2000, Rotor&wing, John R. Guardiana, artical scan
- Boeing UCAV Aims for September Rollout; March 27, 2000; Aviation Week; Stanley W. Candebo
- Robotic Success in Antartica Prelude to Space Exploration; February 21, 2000; Aviation Week; Bruce D. Nordwall
- Shuttle Crew Reaches Orbit "Ready to Map the World"; February 12, 2000; San Diego Union-Tribune; AP
- Northrop Lands Navy Contract [UAV Helecopter, $93.7M]; February 11, 2000; San Diego Union-Tribune; U-T
- Shutter Controls: How Far Will Uncle Sam Go?; January, 31, 2000; Aviation Week; Joseph C. Anselmo
- Commercial Space's Sharp New Image; January 31, 2000; Aviation Week, Joseph C. Anselmo
- Large X-38 Parafoil Passes First Flight Test; January 31, 2000; Aviation Week; Bruce A. Smith
- Small-Deck UAV Flies; January 31, 2000; Aviation Week; David A. Fulghum
- NASA Taps General Atomics to Build New Drones; January 31, 2000; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Plan Weighed to Recover Hyper-X Vehicles After Flight; January 31, 2000, Aviation Week; Stanley W. Kandebo
- U.S. Navy to Bolster Unmanned Aircraft Fleet; January 24, 2000; Aviation Week; Robert Wall
- NASA Eyes Secret D-21 For RLV Engine Tests; December 6, 1999; Aviation Week; Craig Covault
- Ryan Designs UAV Helicopter for Navy; November 22, 1999; David A. Fulghum
- NASA Pushing Drones to Operational Use; July 12, 1999; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Turbojet on a Chip to Run in 2000; July 12, 1999; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- USAF Maps Out Future Of Global Hawk UAV; July 12, 1999; Aviation Week; Robert Wall
- Rugged Optical Correlator Cuts Target Recognition Time; October 12, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Honey, I shrunk the plane; October 8, 1998; Machine Design; Stephen J. Miraz
- ERAST Drones March Ahead; July 13, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Several Micro Air Vehicles In Flight Test Programs; July 12, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Anti-Air Defense Role Eyed for Predator; June 22, 1998; Aviation Week; David A. Fulghum
- Tiny Drones May Be Soldier's New Tool; June 8, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- Navy Moving to VTOL To Replace Pioneer; June 8, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- FAA Mulls Rulemaking On UAV Operations; June 8, 1998; Aviation Week; Edward H. Phillips
- AeroVironment Pushes Limits of Solar Flight; Aviation Week; May 4, 1998; Michael A. Dornheim
- Predator contract goes to GA unit; March 25, 1998; San Diego Union
- Global Hawk Begins Flight Test Program; March 9, 1998; Aviation Week; Michael A. Dornheim
- X-36 Testing Gives Boeing Jump on UCAV Work; March 2, 1998; Aviation Week; William B. Scott
- Micro Planes; Popular Science; January 1998; Jerome Greer Chandler
- Air Vehicles From Canceled Program to be Delivered; Aviation Week; Feb 10, 1997; Bruce A. Smith
- Pentagon Budget Suffers New Cuts; Aviation Week; Feb 10, 1997; David A. Fulghum
Contact: This site is maintained by steve coblentz at
Feel free to e-mail links, ideas, questions or comments.
Site Updates:
- Sep-01-2000 brought glossary.html into main page
- Jan-19-2000 site work begins