April 26th AUVSI Lindbergh Chapter Meeting

Meeting Minutes (4/27)

Positive Attribute List

Need Improvement List

Action Items

Attendee or could-not-attend feedback

Please log you comments, with out them we can only imagine what to do next:
uvsnet: bulletin board

Attendance List

April 26th Attendance

Name Company e-mail
Tery Simpkins Flyit Simulators terry@designinternational.com
Tim Hallihan USPA thalihan@yahoo.com
Charles ButerbaughARINCcbuterba@arinc.com
Rich MedvedARINCrmedved@spawar.nav.mil
Ed LeBlanc Tamsco eleblanc@inetworld.net
Ed Hennig Tamsco ehennig@ixpres.com
Mike Donahoo Tamsco mrdonahoo@ixpres.com
Mark Eberl Tamsco meberl@ixpres.com
John Porter GA-ASI john.porter@gat.com
Tom Aldern GreyStone taldern@gstone.com
Ray Stits Qualcomm rstits@home.com
John Boyd GreyStone jboyd@gstone.com
Roman Kuchkuda Self romank@san.rr.com
Wendy Kuchkuda Self romank@san.rr.com
Ed Riley NG-RAC eriley@ryanaero.com
Bob Seegmiller NG-RAC bseegmiller@ryanaero.com
Steve Coblentz uvsnet sccz@yahoo.com


The Lindbergh Chapter of the AUVSI is having its next meeting hosted by Grey Stone Digital Technologies at Wednesday April 26th at 5:30pm, the location will be 4950 Murphy Canyon Road (near the intersection of Claremont Mesa Blvd and I-15). This meeting centers around Grey Stone products including their UAV theater simulation.


Use their on-line directions http://www.gstone.com/corporate_directions.shtm
If you are planning to attend and can rsvp please post to sccz@yahoo.com or post on the bulletin board
