To: Parties interested in Unmanned Systems and Robotics

From: Steve Coblentz, AUVSI Lindbergh Chapter Administrator
Subject: Status and Direction of the Lindbergh Chapter
Date: February 18th, 2000

For those of you who can still remember the days of the AUVSI Lindbergh Chapter: hello again!, it has been some time; for those who are new or have forgotten please read on, I hope you'll have and interest; for those who would like to be removed from this mailing list please reply with such and indication. I have posted to you all using a blind copy as a courtesy to those who wish to not be on such a list, once your interest is validated (or not) then a list will become available for the Lindbergh Chapter.

As each of you is aware busyness is the primary hindrance to administrating and maintaining involvement in an organization such as the AUVSI, especially at the local level where often more is expected than a check for membership dues. Fortunately my office is off to a slow start this year so I've committed to trying to resurrect the Lindbergh Chapter of the AUVSI. In the process of doing so I discovered that our illustrious leader Mark Day has just taken a position in L.A. and would like to take a leave from a direct administrative role, but continue to support of the chapter. Given the office situation and the numerous industry pulses currently being enjoyed I decided it best to grab the reins and see if I could rejuvenate interest and membership. As you read on you'll see my methods are conservative and sustainable, however I welcome any encouragement, suggestions or criticism you wish to supply.

I welcome feedback in any form: office:858-292-3073 home: 619-561-0702, fax: 619-561-4991, pager: 619-526-0014, e-mail: . You can also feedback to the entire group using the bulletin board on the Lindbergh Chapter's new web site: see the link under "The Board" (I can freely delete entries from this board so if you hesitant to use it out of fear of making a mistake, please don't be, I will gladly clear up any problem.) Please visit the website: since it could answer a number of questions you might have, it is a very small site that you should be able to review in a few minutes.

It would be most helpful if you could take a moment and confirm, deny or otherwise acknowledge your interest in the Lindbergh Chapter of the AUVSI. Once a critical mass of interest is attained we will have a meeting of sorts, my office has just renovated a large conference center which is in the Kearney Mesa area (just north of the San Diego city). I would also like to have this meeting web-casted for the members with difficult logistic.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,

Steve Coblentz
AUVSI Lindbergh Chapter Administrator

Ps- please forward this e-mail to anyone you think might be interested, posting a hardcopy works too.