For the

Lindbergh Chapter

Of the

Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems

Revised: 18 April 2001



The name of the organization shall be the Lindbergh Chapter, in honor of San Diego’s most distinguished aviator, Charles Lindbergh. It shall be affiliated with the "Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems" in accordance with all provisions of the Constitution and Articles of Incorporation of the National Association.

The Lindbergh Chapter of the Association shall hereafter be referred to as the "Chapter".



The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems is formed to provide an organization for individuals who have a common interest in Unmanned Vehicle Systems and who wish to foster and expand the art of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. To advance the technology, to exchange ideas and information in the field of Unmanned Vehicle Systems and to recognize the advances and contributions thereto. To promote the education of the membership and the general public in the field of Unmanned Vehicle Systems. To document the history of Unmanned Vehicle Systems and commemorate fittingly the memory of fellow members.


The scope or range of interest of the Chapter shall embrace all areas of technology released to unmanned systems of any kind except that such systems must include some type of carrier or vehicle.


SECTION 1. The Chapter shall be civilian in nature and shall not be used for cessation nation of partisan principles, nor for the promotion of the candidacy of any person seeking public office, nor preferment, nor for promotion of any commercial Enterprise-


SECTION 1. There are three classes of membership: Regular, being individual or corporate Honorary and Associate. Members are considered to be in good standing and entitled to all rights and privileges of membership in the Association if their national and local membership dues are not more than three (3) months in arrears.

SECTION 2. REGULAR MEMBERSHIP. All citizens of the United States who are interest: in the advancement of Unmanned Vehicle Systems.

SECTION 3. HONORARY MEMBER. Subject to the requirements and procedures appertaining thereto, which, from time to time, may be adopted by the Association- Honorary membership shall be awarded at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. An Honorary Member shall be ineligible to vote or hold an elective office.

SECTION 4. ASSOCIATE MEMBER. Associate membership can be extended to non-citizens of the United States; however, the National Board of Trustees must approve such candidates for membership. Associate Members are not authorized a vote in the affairs of the Association or its chapters.


SECTION 1. ORGANIZATION. This Chapter shall be the Lindbergh Chapter of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems. Each member in good standing in accordance with the National Constitution and By-Laws, who either resides or is regularly employed, in the general vicinity of this Chapter, shall be accredited as a member of this Chapter.

SECTION 2. The Lindbergh Chapter shall be chartered by the National Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems and will operate within the provisions of the National Constitution and By-Laws.


Initiation Fees and Annual Dues. In order to provide funds for operating the Lindbergh Chapter of AUVS, Dues and Fees beyond those assessed and provided to the Chapter by the National Association may be established by the By-Laws to this Constitution within parameters provided to the Chapter by the National Association.


SECTION 1. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

SECTION 2. ELECTED OFFICERS. The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the Chapter membership to serve for a period of one year and thereafter until a successor is chosen. No person shall succeed himself as President beyond two terms, or two successive years.

SECTION 3. APPOINTED OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. The President of the Chapter is empowered to appoint Officers and Directors to fill the un-expired terms of Officers and Directors who have vacated their positions with the concurrence of a majority of the Board of Director.


SECTION 1. ANNUAL ELECTION. There shall be an annual election to select the Officers and Directors of the Lindbergh Chapter.

SECTION 2. All Chapter members shall have the privilege to exercise their right to vote. The election of Chapter officers and Directors shall take place by secret ballot mailed to Chapter members by 1 July of each year.

SECTION 3. TERM OF OFFICE. The term of office ending and the term of office starting will be I August of the year in which the election was conducted. Officers and Directors will be formally installed during the first meeting after the election but no later than 1 September of the election year.


  1. The vacancies of the Officers and Directors who have been elected and not taken office will be filled by the candidate or candidates for the office next in line according to the number of votes received.
  2. Vacancies occurring after the installation of Officers and Directors will be appointed by the President with concurrence of a majority of the Board of Directors.
  3. In the event the President's position is vacated, the Vice-President will become the President of the Chapter.


The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Chapter and shall be composed of the elected Officers and Directors and the immediate Past President.

SECTION 1. The Board of Directors is authorized to establish By-Laws to this Constitution to carry out the provisions of this Constitution. The By-Laws and changes thereto must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2. The Board of Directors is authorized to establish operating procedures for the Transaction of the day-to-day business of the Chapter. The operating procedures must be approved by a majority of the Board Members.

SECTION 3. There shall be nine (9) elected Directors and they shall be elected by the regular chapter membership at large for a period of three (3) years. One-third (1/3) or (3) of the Directors shall be elected each year.


Constitution change required majority vote of the Chapter constituency.