June 21st AUVSI Lindbergh Chapter Meeting
Meeting Minutes (6/22)
Positive Attribute List
- The TAMSCO presentation was excellent and
extremely informative. Mike explained several unique
business development approaches and leasons-learned that we as a chapter could
apply to our plans.
- This was the first exposure/awareness of the AUVSI for four of the attendees.
- Attendance matched facilities perfectly
- Location was ideal, while remote from the North County facilities it was across the
freeway from SPAWAR and in the neighborhood of several other customer facilities.
- Soda and chips were plentiful
Need Improvement List
- While in the customers back yard we were still missing the opportunity to
engage them.
- Still haven't advanced the efforts to video stream some part of
the meeting or presentation
Action Items
- Establish and make available a membership and contacts database
- Establish next promotional gathering
- Hold a chapter business meeting
- Please log additional comments to:
uvsnet: bulletin board
Attendee or could-not-attend feedback
Please log you comments, with out them we can only imagine what to do next:
uvsnet: bulletin board
Attendance List
April 26th Attendance
Name | Company | e-mail |
Randy Monohan | SENTEL | rmonohan@sentel.com |
Bill Shipley | SENTEL | bshipley@sentel.com |
Jeff Glenn-Levin | SKB | learn@getnewskills.com |
Bob Sarwacinski | Insight Technologies | insight@inetworld.net |
Rich Medved | SPAWAR | rmedved@spawar.nav.mil |
Charles Buterbaugh | ARINC | cbuterba@arinc.com |
Ed LeBlanc | TAMSCO | eleblanc@inetworld.net |
Ed Hennig | TAMSCO | ehennig@ixpres.com |
Mike Donahoo | TAMSCO | mrdonahoo@ixpres.com |
Mark Eberl | TAMSCO | meberl@ixpres.com |
John Porter | GA-ASI | john.porter@gat.com |
Tom Aldern | GreyStone | taldern@gstone.com |
Steve Coblentz | uvsnet | sccz@yahoo.com |
The Lindbergh Chapter of the AUVSI is having its next meeting
hosted by SENTEL/TAMSCO Wednesday June 21st at 5:30pm,
the location will be 2251 San Diego Ave., suite A218 (R&B Enterprises Conf. Room).
TAMSCO will give a briefing on their current AUV involement,
what they are doing for whom, also a briefing by SENTEL on EMI/EMC issues in
2251 San Diego Ave., suite A218 (R&B Enterprises Conf. Room)
is right behind the Shell Gas station at the corner of I-5 and
Old Town ave off-ramp, across the Freeway from SPAWAR.
If you are planning to attend and can rsvp please post to
sccz@yahoo.com or post on the
bulletin board
Lindbergh Chapter Meeting
June 21, 2000
- 5:30 Social/Assembly
- 5:45 Call to Order (Steve Coblentz)
- Introduce TAMSCO (Mike Donahoo) & SENTEL (Bill Shipley)
- Introduce the Lindbergh Chapter
- 6:00 TAMSCO briefing (Mike Donahoo) on UAV business involvement
Q & A
- 6:30 SENTEL briefing (Steve Bonter) on UAV involvement
Q & A
- 7:00 Chapter Business (Steve Coblentz)
- Chapter Mission
- Events
- Actions
- Membership
- 7:30 Adjourn
For more clarification or more information contact sccz@yahoo.com.